Introduction to Smart Growth
Our experts: Matt McCauley, Associate Director, Regional Planning and Community Development, Northwest Michigan Council of Governments and Kurt Schindler, Regional Land Use Educator, MSU Extension.
Access Management Planning
Our expert: Larry Sullivan, Charlevoix County Planning Director
Affordable Housing
Our experts: Sarah Lucas, Regional Planner and Community Housing Choices Coordinator, Northwest Michigan Council of Governments and Matt McCauley, Associate Director, Regional Planning and Community Development, Northwest Michigan Council of Governments
Agriculture and Zoning
Our experts: Dean Solomon,
They talk about how agriculture is changing and how that affects townships and planning commissions. They also discuss the Right to Farm Act and the Right to Process Act and how they relate to zoning.
Creating Active Communities
Our expert: Danna Widmar, Executive Director, Harbor Area Regional Board of Resources, Inc.
Our expert: Danna Widmar, Executive Director, Harbor Area Regional Board of Resources, Inc.
Farmland Protection
Our expert: Dean Solomon, Charlevoix County Extension Director, Michigan State University Extension
Growth Boundaries
Our expert: Danna Widmar, Executive Director, Harbor Area Regional Board of Resources, Inc.
How to Conduct an Effective Public Hearing
Our experts: Charlevoix County MSU Extension Director, Dean Solomon and MSU Extension Regional Land Use Educator, Kurt Schindler.
They talk about the purpose for public hearings, the steps to follow when holding a public hearing and how to determine if one is required by law.
Joint Planning
Our expert: Kurt Schindler, Regional Land Use Educator, Michigan State University Extension
Why Master Plans Sit on the Shelves
Our expert: Kurt Schindler, Regional Land Use Educator, Michigan State University Extension