Smart Growth Readiness Assessment Tool
Michigan Land Use Leadership Council
New Designs for Growth goals dovetail perfectly with the statewide initiatives that are set forth through the Michigan Land Use Leadership Council’s Ten Tenets for Smart Growth:
- Mix land uses
- Take advantage of compact development design
- Create a range of housing opportunities and choices
- Create walkable neighborhoods
- Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place
- Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty and critical environmental areas
- Strengthen and direct development towards existing communities
- Provide a variety of transportation choices
- Make development decision predictable, fair, and cost effective
- Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions
More information on the Michigan Land Use Leadership Council can be found at:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Smart Growth Program
EPA helps communities grow in ways that expand economic opportunity, protect public health and the environment, and create and enhance the places that people love. Through research, tools, partnerships, case studies, grants, and technical assistance, EPA is helping America's communities turn their visions of the future into reality.
The U.S. EPA has a vast Smart Growth Resource site. To access the site mainpage, click here.
Master Plans
A Master Plan provides a vision for, and a rationale to support physical development in a local planning unit of government today and in the future. A Master Plan provides the framework to accommodate that growth. Aesthetic strategies will be balanced with financial considerations, and steps for implementation.
Recreation Plans
A Recreation Plan provides a vision for, and a rationale to support physical development in a local planning unit of government today and in the future. A Recreation Plan provides the framework to accommodate that growth. Aesthetic strategies will be balanced with financial considerations, and steps for implementation.
Zoning Ordinances
The primary purpose of zoning ordinances is to segregate uses that are thought to be incompatible. Zoning is used as a permitting system to prevent new development from encroaching on existing residents or businesses. Zoning is commonly controlled by local governments such as counties, townships, or municipalities.
Sample language supporting the integration of New Designs for Growth principles into the Zoning Ordinance creation process:
Corridor Overlay District:
The Smart Growth Readiness Assessment Tool (SGRAT) is an online scorecard and resource for Michigan communities.
This tool is intended to help you:
- Learn about Smart Growth and the benefits of applying Smart Growth principles in your community.
- Assess whether or not your community is ready to practice Smart Growth.
- Implement Smart Growth using extensive resources, including case studies of Michigan communities successfully following Smart Growth principles.
Recently added to the SGRAT is an assessment designed specifically for water front communities.The Waterfront Smart Growth Readiness Assessment is a scorecard specifically meant for waterfront communities. This assessment is included in all pricing packages, along with the 10 assessments for Smart Growth.